Aqui estão algumas listas de deck populares do Pokémon TCG Pocket, mostrando estratégias eficazes e combinações de cartas.
Estratégia: Este baralho Pokémon TCG Pocket se concentra em colocar Mewtwo ex em jogo rapidamente e usar a habilidade de Gardevoir para fornecer energia, permitindo que Mewtwo cause danos significativos a cada turno.
Estratégia: Este baralho do tipo Grama utiliza Lilligant para empilhar energia em Venusaur ex, permitindo que ele ataque enquanto se cura, tornando-o um oponente resiliente.
Estratégia: Este baralho Pokémon TCG Pocket se concentra em configurar Blastoise ex enquanto usa Lapras ex como um tanque. Misty ajuda a anexar energia rapidamente, permitindo ataques poderosos no início do jogo.
Estratégia: Este baralho Pokémon TCG Pocket usa Misty para empilhar energia em Articuno ou Lapras, enquanto Starmie ex reduz efetivamente os PV do oponente.
Pokemon TCG Pocket deck must contain exactly 20 cards, with a maximum of two copies of any card with the same name. This includes both regular and ex cards.
Pokemon TCG Pocket deck includes at least one Basic Pokemon and a balanced mix of around 12 Pokemon and 8 Trainer cards to ensure a strong start and support options.
Build your deck around a strong ace Pokemon like Articuno ex or Mewtwo ex that can deal significant damage or provide strategic advantages.
Add Pokemon that provide additional abilities or stall while you set up your main attacker, such as Pidgeot for switching out your opponent's Active Pokemon.
Incorporate Trainer cards like Professor’s Research for drawing cards and Poké Ball for fetching Basic Pokemon to enhance your strategy.
Since energy is generated automatically, focus on one or two specific Pokemon types to maximize energy generation for your deck.
Try different archetypes, such as Gengar ex for disruption, Zapdos ex for quick attacks, and Machamp for a free-to-play friendly option.
If unsure about card selection, use the auto-build feature to help choose cards based on your desired deck types and ensure balance.